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For many, customer service can be a by-product of being in business but the great businesses understand that a business which puts the customer at the very epicentre of the process will always outplay those which don’t!

It seems even obvious that putting the customer at the heart of operations is essential, so why do so many get it so wrong?

Multi levels of the customer journey

There are multi levels of a customer experience and arguably each stage is as crucial as the next – from the first sign of interest to the after sales an beyond. So, let’s consider every step of the way.

The first step is that of a prospect – he who potentially fills the profile of your ideal client (if you haven’t got any of these clearly defined for your business then start now). This is crucial – where you are plumbing your feathers to make yourself attractive – draw them in.

Secondly you have to show some substance, you have to convince the prospect that you are worthy of their money and that you are indeed the one that will deliver their needs.

Having secured custom, your next duty is to show them a well-trodden pathway which leads them to what you have promised. If you cannot do this don’t sell them anything.

The next step involves education – having served the client you need to educate them into how you operate. They will feel so many ‘yes wow’ moments that eventually they become raving fans!

Raving fans

And what do raving fans achieve? Well, they serve as a part of your marketing message – ask them for the information that you can use to tell everybody else and you suddenly attract others without having to lay out a massive marketing budget.

In the process you have happy clients, and happy clients return for more and more so that lifetime value keeps edging up each time a client returns to you.

About the contributor

Tony Mazzotti

Tony’s clients get results. His record for building strong teams and a great culture within the work place speaks for itself. He doubled the performance of his previous franchised business, established another in Chester and won accolades in his time as a finance manager.

Tony’s teaching skills – he has taught adults and teenagers alike – coupled with a proven and best Business Growth System in the world has proven to be a recipe for success for start up and established businesses.

The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image

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