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If you think that dealing with customers should be outsourced or managed by lower level employees, you should think again. Customer service is more important than you think. Below you will find a few reasons why:

  1. The Customer Is Always Right. But You Need To Understand Them

You know the old cliche: “the customer is always right”. The truth is, however, that not all customers are right for your business. If you would like to keep your clients happy, you will need to make sure they are a good fit for your business. Having a customer service policy and a client journey will help you make sure that people you work with will understand what to expect and be happy to work with you. Understand their needs and your customer service will become natural.

  1. Your Happy Customers are the Most Effective Marketing Tools In Your Business

How much are you spending on marketing, really? If you keep your existing customers happy, you can cut the cost and get better, more engaged, and more loyal customers for free. Do you want your clients to shout from the rooftop about your service? Carry on improving your customer service policy every day.

  1. It Is Cheaper to Keep a Customer than to Acquire a New One

This is closely related to your marketing budget. If you know how much it costs yo to acquire a new customer, you will really understand the importance of good customer service. Looking after your clients is cheaper than running a Facebook or Google ad.

  1. Your Reputation Is One Of Your Most Valuable Assets

If you think about your business long term and think ahead, maybe planning an exit strategy, it makes sense to look after your image and reputation. Happy customers can help you grow your reputation, but one disgruntled one will ruin it faster than you can say “bankrupt”. News get around faster in the age of social media and digital communication, so it is important that you look after your customers so you protect your reputation.

  1. It Feels Good to Make Others Happy

Why are you in business, really? It might be to make money and live the life you want to, but also to make a difference. That is what sets apart real entrepreneurs and people who are just trading services and making a cut. Seeing a happy customer will motivate you and keep your team engaged and focussed, too.

About the contributor

Tony Mazzotti

Tony’s clients get results. His record for building strong teams and a great culture within the work place speaks for itself. He doubled the performance of his previous franchised business, established another in Chester and won accolades in his time as a finance manager.

Tony’s teaching skills – he has taught adults and teenagers alike – coupled with a proven and best Business Growth System in the world has proven to be a recipe for success for start up and established businesses.

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The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image

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