The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Woman writing
We know the saying ‘people buy on emotion and justify with logic’.

Most people are great with the emotion part – you’re already excited and enthusiastic about your service and know what kind of difference it could make to someone else.

You can get them excited about it too.

But the logic is what demonstrates the value, and without knowing the value, your potential client can’t make you their best choice.

Vague promises that ‘things will be better’, without anything quantifiable to help them believe you are not enough, especially with so many options out there.

So how do you fix this?

Stop being vague.

If you promise to save them time, how much time exactly?

What does that time translate to in monetary value? Or lifestyle value?

Give them a number. A number makes it real. Tangible. Do-able.

The right numbers gives them value.

About the contributor

Ian Genius

I teach solopreneurs what to say in f2f and zoom meetings to convert more clients. It doesn’t matter how fantastic your service or product is, before clients can ‘use’ you they have to ‘choose’ you. And do potential clients always make the best choices?

No, they don't. I show you how to demonstrate your value so that clients make the best choice and use you far more often.

The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image

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