The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Man on mobile

Stop selling ingredients when they want the meal.

Ingredients are the processes, the techniques, the hours you spend to provide the service that your client has bought.

What your client is after, however, is the meal.

Imagine if when buying a sandwich, you were told exactly how long that sandwich took to make, the knife used to slice the bread, the lighting in the kitchen, the layering technique used…

You really don’t care.

You want a sandwich.

You care about the quality, but that’s about it.

Telling your client about the code that runs your bookkeeping system does not influence their decision to buy it.

The fact you use software that has a 5-star security rating, will.

When helping your client choose you, talk to them about the sandwich.


The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image

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