The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Man with tablet
Do not leave it up to your potential client to try and figure out what you are trying to sell them and its value.

Have you tried all the tricks, but no amount of persuading, coercing, or convincing is working?

Well, those things have a stigma attached to them.

People can smell that a mile away and they don’t really want to be sold to.

Luckily for you it is not about selling.

It is about helping them make the best decision, and there is something honourable about that.

You have a quality product that really is going to help them, so why cloud the conversation with snake oil?

Are you willing to admit that every time someone decides against your product that it is your fault as the expert for not making the decision easy enough for your prospect?

Make it easy for clients to use you.

If you are, then you can move forward.

About the contributor

Ian Genius

I teach solopreneurs what to say in f2f and zoom meetings to convert more clients. It doesn’t matter how fantastic your service or product is, before clients can ‘use’ you they have to ‘choose’ you. And do potential clients always make the best choices?

No, they don't. I show you how to demonstrate your value so that clients make the best choice and use you far more often.

The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Intelligent ERP Image
The Business Start-Up Source Book | Start-Up Business Advice and Guidance | Cisco Designed Image

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